
Ooh it’s been a tick. Again. It’s always a tick.

Summer is definitely over, we got our first frost yesterday which killed off the last of everything tender. It felt appropriate to post this super-summery photo in commemoration. The Haunted Mansion has been a staple at my local fair for a million years, just as it is for many people’s. I don’t think it’s changed in just that long, including the peeling paint and clackety carts that jerk you around so badly you get whiplash.

I took this with my Deluxe Fry Cam, which is a ridiculous camera I had been coveting for a while. I like french fries and french fry paraphernalia, so when I learned of this camera I had to have it. I got a chance to shoot a bunch of pictures with it this summer, and I actually really like it for all its cheap toy camera crappiness. I’m going to write a longer post, eventually, on Plastic.

A bunch of my photos have my bloody finger in front of the lens because it’s so weirdly set up. Including this one, which I cropped. Maybe I lean hard into it and call the finger in the frame art.